Attention! It is highly recommended to back up your data before performing the update!
For cryptocurrency data providers, "dependent" providers have been added that can receive market data from another "parent" provider. The name of the new "dependent" providers begins with the word "Linked";
Cryptocurrency data provider libraries updated;
QuikLua: the "Additional quotes" option has been added to the data provider settings. When this option is enabled, the following columns are filled in the "Quotes" window table: "SumAsk", "Orders To Sell", "SumBid", "Orders To Buy", "Open interest";
QuikLua: Lua 5.4 support has been implemented. You can select the Lua version in Quik (5.3 or 5.4). Important: to work with Lua 5.4, you must install the Visual C++ X64 component.
Optimized memory usage by data providers. Fixed memory leaks and memory traffic when working with portfolio orders;
Implemented saving of column settings on the "Settings" and "Trades" tabs in portfolio testing;
Block "Data grid pane". Added integer field "Count last values" that accepts the values:
0 - default, displays all lines.
1 - displays one last line.
2 - displays two last lines.
Alor OpenApi: the problem of loading data from the history server has been solved;
Alor: added new Alor library with broker fixes;
Binance Margin: fixed issue with displaying trade fees for FDUSD;
Bitget: the problem with connecting to the exchange has been solved. A limit on the number of simultaneous requests to the exchange has been added;
Bybit: fixed an error that occurred when trying to get quotes for some instruments;
ByBit: fixed an error in calculating data in the "Positions" column in the "Agents" window;
ByBit Perpetual: fixed a bug where open position data was not downloaded from the exchange;
IQFeed: fixed an error where some instruments were not displayed in the "Select securities" window;
Interactive Brokers: Fixed a bug where trades were displayed with deviations on the chart;
OKX Swap: solved the issue with order processing when connection to the data provider was lost;
"Properties" tab of Blocks: fixed overlapping of the outline of a text field containing an error with interface elements overlapping this field;
Implemented connection of the "Save to Global Cache" block to the "Tradable option" block;
Fixed a bug in the backup wizard that occurred when the program accessed a folder for saving at a non-existent path;
Fixed a bug that caused conditional orders for "opening with slippage" to be closed and resubmitted;
Fixed a bug in the operation of the "Buys Minus Sells" block at the beginning of a trading session;
Fixed a bug in the "Buys Minus Sells" block that caused the block values to change when the program was restarted;
Fixed a bug in the "+Add instrument" function when working with historical data;
Fixed a bug where after restarting the program the settings for transmitting screenshots to the local disk were lost;
Fixed a bug where the Agent did not fully close the position when a partially executed order passed through clearing;
Fixed the error "ArgumentException: Instance property 'IsEnabled' is not defined" when opening a risk module in compact mode;
Fixed an error in calculating the value of the "Maximum Drawdown" indicator in the "Results" of the script;
Fixed the problem with the program freezing when drawing a large number of lines with different styles;
Fixed memory leak when loading saved optimization results into a script;
Fixed an issue where opening the Agent, Graph, Script Editor windows for a selected agent in the Secondary Window was performed in the main program window;
Vsrious minor bugs.