Creating a Free Bitget Data Provider
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Open the TSLab website:
Enter your Personal Account by selecting the Cabinet button in the upper right corner of the main page of the TSLab website.
After entering your Personal Account, you will be taken to the TSLab Data Providers Shop page. In the list of available providers, select the Bitget provider.
There are several types of licenses for each type of provider:
Bitget-Free license allows you to get free access to the Bitget exchange.
Bitget-USD license allows you to get paid access to the Bitget exchange. The cost of this license is 60 USD without limiting the size of the position.
To create a free data provider, select the Bitget-Free license and click on the Details button.
On the Bitget Data Provider page you need to:
Fill in the API Key field by inserting the key created on the Bitget website.
Select the license term of the provider to be created.
Confirm the User Agreement
Click on the Get for free button
You can get all the necessary information about the created provider on the Contracts page. This page displays all user-created data providers.
Click on the ellipsis to get the information you need about the data provider. In the window that opens, you can get the information about the duration of the created provider, as well as the license key, which will need to be entered in the TSLab program when setting up the trading data provider.
Detailed information about the created data provider will be sent to the email specified during registration.