Interactive Brokers
Connecting to Interactive Brokers
In order to access the trading servers of the Interactive Brokers broker through the TSLab platform, you need to follow the steps described below.
Open an Interactive Brokers Account
You can find detailed information about the conditions for providing brokerage services and tariffs on the official website of the Interactive Brokers broker:
Download and install Trader Workstation (TWS) or IB Gateway
In order to connect the TSLab program to Interactive Brokers, you need to install the Trader Workstation (TWS) terminal or IB Gateway on the computer where the TSLab program will be installed.
Instructions for installing and configuring TWS and IB Gateway terminals
Installing and configuring the Trader Workstation (TWS) terminalInstalling and configuring the IB Gateway terminalDownload and install the TSLab trading platform
Go to the official website of the TSLab project. Download the latest version of TSLab and install it on your computer.
Subscribe to Interactive Brokers data provider in TSLab Personal Account
Log in to the User's Cabinet on the official website of the TSLab project. Subscribe to Interactive Brokers Data Provider. After paying for the subscription, a license key for the data provider will be sent to your mail. Also, this key will be added to the list of contracts in your TSLab Cabinet
Set up a data provider in the TSLab trading platform
Launch the TSLab program. Set up the Interactive Brokers data provider.
Interactive Brokers Data Provider Instructions
Getting Started with Interactive Brokers Data Provider
The article describes the process of obtaining a license for the Interactive Brokers data provider, as well as setting up a provider in the TSLab program.
Getting Started with Interactive Brokers Data ProviderFeatures of working with data provider Interactive Brokers
This article summarizes the main features of the Interactive Brokers data provider that you need to pay attention to before you start trading.
Features of working with Interactive Brokers data providerLast updated