Autotrading Control Center

The Autotrading Control Center window

An agent is a trading script instance linked to your accounts.

The number of agents created on the basis of one script is unlimited.

The "Autotrading Control Center" window displays the general status of agents, settings, current trading results and tools for starting and stopping agents.

If there are several instruments in the script, only one instrument is displayed in the "Ticker" column, according to the first source in the script (the Source block that was added to the editor first).

You can open this window from the Main Menu | Trading | Autotrading Control Center .

You can apply filters in the table of the Autotrading Control Center window.

Hidden table sorting features: - Sort one column, for example, Ticker. - When sorting the second column, for example, Agent, hold down the Shift button.




Add agent

Opens the window for creating and configuring an agent.

Delete agent

Removes an agent from the list. If the agent is active and has open positions, deleting the agent is impossible.

Forget errors

The agent stops broadcasting messages about currently existing errors. Read the article Forget Current Trading Mistakes

Stop all agents

Stops all agents.

Edit script

Opens the script on the basis of which the selected agent was created, in the editor. Saving the edited script will restart this agent.

Context Menu

To open the context menu, right-click on the workspace of the "Autotrading Control Center" window.




Opens the properties of the “Autotrading Control Center” window.

Show on (sheet)

Moves the "Autotrading Control Center" window to one of the existing sheets.

Clone the window

Duplicates the "Autotrading Control" Centerwindow


"Autotrading Control Center" window properties can be opened from the context menu of the window or using the "Properties" button located in the right corner of the window title bar.

Attention! The "Font settings" and "Background color" settings can be returned to the default ones using the "Select default settings" button located to the right of the drop-down menu of this properties. Applying custom settings is indicated by a red indicator on the "Select default settings" button.




Use alternating row colors

Highlighting every second line with an alternate color.

Background row color

Background color of table rows.

Font settings

The type and size of font.

Window caption in floating mode

Shows / Hides the window caption in floating mode (when the selected window is not tied to the main program window).

Columns caption

Shows / Hides the column captions.





Short name of the instrument. The field displaying the ticker contains the "Show Chart" button in the form of a chart.


The name of the agent. If the agent has a trade name, it is displayed in brackets. In the field displaying the name of the agent, there are buttons "Agent" (monitor), "General settings" (list) and "Trade settings" (gear).


Indication of connection to a trade server.


Trade availability indication (trading account is active).


Broker account name.

Volume of limit

An indication of the amount of funds available for trading for an agent.

Slippage %

Percentage of permissible slippage.


Absolute value of permissible slippage.

Positions (lots)

The number of lots operated by a certain instrument that is traded within a certain script.

Long positions (lots)

The number (in lots equivalent) of long positions currently being managed by the agent.

Short positions (lots)

The number (in lots equivalent) of short positions currently being managed by the agent.

Positions (Money)

The volume of funds operated by a certain instrument that is traded within a certain script.


Unrealized profit / loss.


Profit / loss.

P/L (day)

Daily profit / loss.

Assessed price

Average price of deals of the current open position by instrument.

Balance price

The price assigned to the stocks for accounting purposes.


The current price of the instrument, broadcast by the broker.


The state of the trading session by instrument.


Commission paid on the aggregate of transactions made by the agent within the instrument.


The current state of the agent (Started / Stopped), toggled by pressing the button

Agent settings

You can create a new agent by clicking on the "Add agent" button.

Clicking on the button will open the window for creating and configuring the agent. Two tabs will be available: Common and Trade

Common agent settings

In the Common menu, you can select the required script from the list to connect to the agent, specify the source of trade data, and also specify the limit management type.

After creating an agent, you can open this menu by clicking on the list icon in the Agent column




Selecting a script from the list to create an agent.

Trading name (Optional field)

You can give an additional name to the agent for the convenience of tracking processes. This field is optional.

Limit management type

Selecting a way to manage the funds available to the agent. Possible values: "Managed by agent", "In money equivalent", "In lots", "% of portfolio". Calculating the number of lots in an order:

- In lots. The value in the "Volume of limit" field is multiplied by the value in the Position opening block;

- Managed by agent. Число в блоке открытия позиции является количество лотов в заявке. The "Volume of limit" field is ignored;

- In money equivalent. The value in the "Volume of limit" field is divided by the current instrument price and multiplied by the value in the Position opening block;

- % of portfolio. The number in the "Volume of limit" field is multiplied by the amount of money in the account and divided by the current price of the instrument and multiplied by the value in the Position opening block;

- Maximum % of portfolio. When placing an order, the amount of free money is determined, and the order is placed without exceeding this amount. (I.e. if there is not enough free money in the portfolio, then securities for a smaller amount will be bought.)

Volume of limit

The value of the funds limit set in accordance with the method of determining the limit in the "Limit management type" field.


Opens the instrument selection window.

Agent trade settings

The agent Trade settings, as well as the common settings, are available when creating a new agent, the Trade settings window can also be opened by clicking on the gear icon in the Agent column.

Check out the full description of trading settings in the articles:

Agent Trade Settings - Agent Execution

Agent Trading Settings - Placing Orders

Agent Trade Settings - Events

Shortcut buttons


Opens a Сhart in a separate window with the same instrument and with the same Period as in the agent.


Shows the Agent chart, Log, Results, Trades, Parameters and Income tabs.

Agent chart

This tab displays the agent's schedule and control panel (if it exists).


Shows the results of the agent. This tab becomes available after starting the agent.


The tab is designed to work with the saved values and results of optimization parameters.

Saved parameter sets

"Parameters" tab fields



The name of the parameter set.

Date and Time

Date and time of saving the parameter set.


Instruments ticker.


A comment to a parameter set.

Profit Factor

Profit Factor.

Recovery Factor

Recovery Factor.

List of optimization parameters and its’ values

"Parameters" tab fields


Optimization Parameters

Blocks list.

Parameter name

Optimization parameter name.


Parameter value.

Results table

Table of results of the optimization parameters.


"Parameters" tab fields



Loads previously saved parameters.

New folder

Creates a new folder in the directory/catalog.


Deletes a parameter set or a folder.


Import of parameter sets previously saved in the script after optimization.


Export of parameter sets previously saved in the script after optimization..

Agent trades

The tab shows a table of trades.

Trades statuses:

  • Green - normal state of agent operation;

  • Yellow - there are not submitted/placed orders;

  • Red - there are mistakes in order execution.






Stock’s name.


Number of lots in a trade.

Change / Maximum lots

The number of lots by which the position has changed.


Entry signal

Entry signal.

Entry bar

Entry bar.

Entry date

Entry date.

Entry time

Entry time.

Entry price

Entry price.

Entry commission

Entry commission.

Exit execution

Exit signal

Exit signal.

Exit bar

Exit bar.

Exit date

Exit date.

Exit time

Exit time.

Exit price

Exit price.

Exit commission

Exit commission.

Average entry price

Average entry price.


Profit / loss per trade.

Fixed P/L

Fixed profit / loss.

Open P/L

Open profit / loss.

Duration (bars)

The number of bars between entry and exit.

Profit / bar

Profit / loss per bar.

Total Profit / Loss

Current profit / loss per position.

% of change

Percentage change in profit / loss per trade.


Maximum adverse excursion.


Maximum adverse excursion in %.


Maximum favorable excursion.


Maximum favorable excursion in %.


Tab showing agent event log.


Tab showing agent income.

Partial position closing and opening

Partial position closing

If the "Wait for exit" parameter is activated, then the volume of the position closing is added in the amount of the number of candles specified in the parameter. Then the position is closed by the market in the amount of candles specified in the "Automated closing (bars)" parameter.

The number of bars in "Automated closing (bars)" must be more than in the "Wait for exit" parameter. If the value in the "Automated closing (bars)" parameter is less than or equal to "Wait for exit", then the automated closing will not work.

Partial position opening

If the "Wait for entry" parameter is activated, then the volume of the position is added in the amount of the number of candles specified in the parameter. Then the market position is added in the amount of the number of candles specified in the "Automated opening (bars)" parameter.

The number of bars in "Automated opening (bars)" must be more than in "Wait for entry". If the value in the "Automated opening (bars)" parameter is less than or equal to "Wait for entry", then the automated opening will not work.

Agents window statistics

Virtual positions are taken into account in agent management.

Agent management has its own statistics, and there is a possibility of error in it. This is due to the orders for which no response from the broker was received and to the calculation algorithm described below.

It is not yet clear how to eliminate errors. There were suggestions that it is worth removing this information altogether. Modification of the window is required. At the moment, all instruments within one agent are not taken into account and are not shown.

Now in agent management, statistics are calculated as follows: The script breaks all trades into pairs, if there is no pair, then the trades are thrown away. For example, you have 2 lots in a long position, but if you look at the "Trades" table in the agent, then there is no such trade(s). I.e, the script does not actually maintain the position.

In agent management, the generalized position for the script is shown. That is, pressing the "Forget errors" button, skipping an entry, skipping an exit, or automated opening / closing can throw a trade without a pair from statistics.

Agent management statistics do not affect the agent's operation, no special actions are required.

You cannot clear the agent management statistics, you can only start an agent with a new trade name.

Therefore, the statistics of agent management cannot be trusted yet.

Last updated