Trading Instrument Data
FinInfo - current quotes on paper
The ISecurity.FinInfo property provides current data on paper. For example, you can see the current bid / ask prices, open price, open interest, expiration date, if any, warranty and more.
The full list can be found here.
An example of a script that logs the current bid and ask prices at each recount:
Bars - candle list
The ISecurity.Bars property provides a list of candles. This list consists of IDataBar objects that contain time, price, volume, open interest.
A detailed description of the source text files can be found here.
An example script that calculates and displays the median price in bars on a chart:
Price list
For convenience, the ISecurity interface provides various price lists:
List of open prices
List of close prices
List of highs
List of minimums
List of volumes
An example of a script that displays the maximum and minimum prices on a chart:
Last updated
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