Update TSLab

TSLab versioning

Release build

Release build of the software - is the latest version of the software that has been tested and debugged.

The release build version number is as follows: 2.X.XX.0. There is always 0 (zero) at the end. You can read more about installing the Release build version in the article Release build.

Nightly Build

Nightly Build – is a build performed between Release builds of the software. Corrections from the nightly builds of the software fall into the next release build version of the software.

The nightly build version number is as follows: 2.X.XX.ХХ You can read more about installing the Nightly build in the article Nightly build.


Nightly builds may contain changes that did not pass the testing procedure. In this regard, TSLab Technical Support recommends using Nightly builds only in the following cases:

  • Technical Support specialist examined the situation you encountered and recommended you installing the Nightly Build;

  • the list of fixed problems contains the one that is encountered by you.

In other cases, TSLab Technical Support recommends using the Release build version of the software.

Last updated

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