Bitget Cryptocurrency Exchange
Bitget Cryptocurrency Exchange
Launched in 2018, Bitget provides comprehensive and secure trading solutions to our global userbase.
With a core focus on social trading, Bitget has amassed over 8 million users, 380,000 followers, and 80,000 professional traders from more than 100 countries around the world.
Bitget is ranked in the top five globally by CoinGecko for derivatives trading by volume.
For clients of the Bitget exchange, the TSLab trading platform is free!
We are pleased to announce that TSLab company in association with Bitget Cryptocurrency Exchange have entered into an agreement under which Bitget Exchange customers are entitled to use the TSLab trade terminal for free on the Bitget Exchange.
In order to take advantage of this offer, the following conditions must be met:
Register an account on the Bitget website without a Referral Code.
In the TSLab store, subscribe to a special free Bitget-Free tariff plan.
Bitget markets available in the TSLab trading platform
Bitget USDT Perpetual Futures Contracts
To connect to the perpetual futures market, use the Bitget USDT Perpetual data provider
Last updated