Autotrading Control Center window

Autotrading Control Center window

Agent is a trading copy of the script linked to your accounts. The number of agents that can be created based on one script is not limited.

The "Autotrading Control Center" window displays the general status of agents, settings, current trading results, and tools for starting and stopping agents. If there are several instruments in the script, only one instrument is displayed in the "Ticker" column, according to the first source in the script (the Source block, which was added to the editor first).

The Autotrading Control Center window can be opened by selecting the Main menu item: Trading - Autotrading Control Center.

"Autotrading Control Center" window commands


Add agent

Opens the window for adding and configuring an agent.

Delete agents

Removes an agent from the list. If the agent is active, has open positions, deletion is impossible.

Forget errors

The agent stops broadcasting messages about current errors. Read the article Forget errors of the Agent

Start all agents

Starts all agents

Stop all agents

Stops all agents.

Start selected agents

Starts the selected agents

Stop selected agents

Stops the selected agents

Edit script

Opens in the editor the script on which the selected agent is based. Saving the edited script will restart this agent.

"Autotrading Control Center" window columns



Agent name. If the agent has a trade name, it is displayed in brackets. For your convenience, in the field displaying the name of the agent, there are buttons "Agent" (monitor), "Common settings" (list) and "Trading settings" (gear).


Short name of the instrument. For your convenience, in the field displaying the ticker, there is a button "Show chart" made in the form of a chart.


Agent related script


Broker account name.


Broadcast agent to TSCloud service


The current state of the agent (Started/Stopped), toggled by pressing the button.

Volume of limit

Indication of the amount of funds available for trading by the agent.

Slippage %

Allowable slip value set as a percentage.


Allowable slip value set in absolute terms.


Indication of the possibility of trading (trading account is active).


Indication of connection to the trade server.

Positions (lots)

The current position on the script-instrument link in lots.

Positions (money)

The current position on the link agent - instrument is in the money.


Indication of the currency of the account connected to the agent


Unrealized profit / loss.


Profit / Loss.

P/L (day)

Profit / loss daily.

Assessed price

The average price of transactions of the current open position for the instrument.

Balance price

The price assigned to shares for accounting purposes.


The current price of the instrument broadcast by the broker.


Status of the trading session for the instrument.

Long positions (lots)

The number (in lots) of long positions managed by the agent at the moment.

Short positions (lots)

The number (in lots) of short positions managed by the agent at the moment.


The commission paid by you on a set of transactions in the "instrument - agent" link.

Column filters in the "Autotrading Control Center" window

The data in the "Autotrading Control Center" table can be sorted using the built-in filtering system. You can access the filters by clicking on the special button located in the header of the table.

Context menu of the "Autotrading Control Center" window

The context menu is available by pressing the right mouse button in the workspace of the "Autotrading Control Center" window.

Menu itemDescription


Opens the properties of the "Autotrading Control Center" window.

Show at

Moves the window "Autotrading Control Center" to one of the existing sheets.

Clone window

Creates a copy of the "Autotrading Control Center" window.

"Autotrading Control Center" window properties

The "Autotrading Control Center" window properties can be opened:

  • from the context menu of the "Autotrading Control Center" window;

  • using the "Properties" button located on the window's title bar;

  • by selecting the Main menu item: Edit - Window Properties

Attention! The settings of the "Font Settings" and "Background row color" properties that you have chosen can be returned to their original settings using the "Select Default Settings" button located to the right of the drop-down menu for this property. The application of custom settings is indicated by a red indicator on the "Select Default Settings" button.


Menu itemDescription

Use alternating row colors

Highlighting every second line with an alternative color.

Background row colors

Background color of table rows.

Font settings

Select font type and size.

Columns caption

Shows/Hides column headers.

Quick access buttons


Opens in a separate window the Chart of the same instrument, with the same Period as in the agent.


Clicking the button opens the Agent window. The tab of the Agent window has a graphic designation in the form of the letter "A" and a name corresponding to the name of the agent.

In the Agent window, you can access the Agent Chart, Log, Results, Trades, Parameters and Profit tabs.

Common agent settings

In the "Common" menu, you can select the required script from the list to connect it to the agent, specify the source of trading data, and also specify the type of limit management.

In order to make changes to the general settings of an agent, you must stop the agent itself. Make sure the button in the State column is in the disabled (gray) state

Agent trading settings

The agent's Trading settings as well as the Common settings are available when creating a new agent. The Trade Settings window can be opened by clicking on the gear icon in the Agent column

Agent State

The button in the State column is responsible for starting and stopping the agent. When a provider is enabled, the button turns green. In the disabled state, the color of the button is gray.

The agent can be started even if there is no connection to the data provider. TSLab remembers the state of the agent when the program is turned off


The TSCloud button allows you to broadcast or receive data from the TSCloud cloud service. To work with the service, you must have an account set up in the TSCloud system, as well as a connection to the service in the program itself. Connection in the program is carried out in the corresponding section of the Main menu of the program.

Last updated